
A good permaculture design will look at the garden, its soil, wildlife, vegetation, aspects, users and their requirements amongst other things, and create a list of themes and elements  required, then by looking at beneficial relationships between elements, and using good zoning techniques amongst others, create a design most suited to the needs of the group and garden.

This will help avoid too many problems. E.g., Crops which have higher maintenance needs, will be situated nearest the centre of activity, whereas low maintenance perennial crops or trees may be situated further away. A compost heap will be situated in accessible position, both for filling and emptying. Water butts will be situated so they can easily fill ponds, and be used for the most water demanding crops. Elements will be chosen for multi functionality and usefulness. Common sense really, but good design and planning can make a huge difference to a project especially if maintenance time is tight. It is important to grow healthy and successful crops if possible.

next: soil >>>

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